Mostyn: Chris and Julia picked us up at about 10 am and we drove to Pont d'Espagne and took the ski lift to Lac de Gaube. It was the perfect end to a wonderful two weeks for me. We were above the clouds, the sun shone and we had a wonderful view across the lake of snow-covered peaks. We leisurely sat at the restaurant and had tart with our coffee, followed by a delicious lunch.
After a few hours we took the ski lift back down to Pont d'Espagne and the car park.
We dropped Ian off in Cauterets where he was going to stay for a couple more days before re-commencing the GR10 trail.
We drove home through torrential rain until Toulouse, after that it was sunshine all the way.
I was privileged to meet Ian, who proved to be a good walking companion, with a lot of common sense and walking experience. I hope that our paths will cross again someday and with a bit of luck we may even do some walking together, I hope so.
Our next phase in conquering the GR10 will probably be in June 2009. Watch this space ...
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