Dragonflies and Damselflies

Family - Coenagrionidae

Family summary

Most species of Damselflies in Europe belong to the family Coenagrionidae. They are quite varied in appearence, the males often being black and red, or black and blue in colour. The various species can be quite difficult to distinguish. This is particularly true of the females. More than a dozen species from seven genera are found in France.

Pyrrhosoma genus

Pyrrhosoma nymphula - Large Red Damselfly - La Petite Nymphe au corps de feu

Erythromma genus

Erythromma najas - Red-eyed Damselfly - La Naiade aux yeux rouges
Erythromma viridulum - Small Red-eyed Damselfly - La Naiade au corps vert

Coenagrion genus

Coenagrion mercuriale - Southern Damselfly - L'Agrion de Mercure
Coenagrion scitulum - Dainty Damselfly - L'Agrion mignon
Coenagrion caerulescens - Mediterranean Damselfly - L'Agrion bleuâtre
Coenagrion puella - Azure Damselfly - L'Agrion jouvencelle
Coenagrion pulchellum - Variable Damselfly - L'Agrion joli

Cercion genus

Cercion (Erythromma) lindenii - Goblet-marked Damselfly - L'Agrion à longs cercoïdes

Enallagma genus

Enallagma cyathigerum - Common Blue Damselfly - L'Agrion porte-coupe

Ischnura genus

Ischnura pumilio - Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly - L'Agrion nain
Ischnura elegans - Blue-tailed Damselfly - L'Agrion élégant

Ceriagrion genus

Ceriagrion tenellum - Small Red Damselfly - L'Agrion délicat

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