Dragonflies and Damselflies

Family - Lestidae (Emerald Damselflies)

Family summary

The family Lestidae is represented by two genera, Lestes and Sympecma. While Lestes is represented by several species in France, Sympecma has only one species found in the region. Lestes are unusual in that they usually rest with their wings partly open whereas Sympecma, along with all other European damselflies, rest with their wings held along the length of the body.

Lestes genus

Lestes (Chalcolestes) viridis - Willow Emerald Damselfly - Le Leste vert
Lestes barbarus - Southern Emerald Damselfly - Le Leste sauvage
Lestes sponsa - Emerald Damselfly - Le Leste fiancé
Lestes dryas - Scarce Emerald Damselfly - Le Leste dryade

Sympecma genus

Sympecma fusca - Brown Emerald or Winter Damselfly - Le Leste brun

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